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March 21, 2023 10:02 am |


8a Fluid mechanics

3c Sediment transport, deposition and remobilisation

1a River processes, monitoring and modelling

6c Urban sewer and sediment management

2d Inland and coastal lake management

4b Integrated flood risk management

4c Drought risk management

7c Hydraulic structures, machinery and capacity

IAHR_5_S1: Novel Ecohydraulic Approaches in River and Hydro-Environmental Engineering

IAHR_8_S3: Large (real-)scale experiment for fluvial hydraulics

IAHR_5_S3: Education and Professional Development in Hydro-Environmental Engineering

High-Level Panel “Digital Twins of River Basins”

Coffee Break


Poster Sessions

Presentation IAHR Water Monograph Vortex-Flow Intakes (OPEN ACCESS!)

VISE – Sustainable Hydropower

3c Sediment transport, deposition and remobilisation

1a River processes, monitoring and modelling

6c Urban sewer and sediment management

2c Coastal hydraulic engineering structures

4d Climate change and water management

8c Modern instrumentation and experimental technologies

7c Hydraulic structures, machinery and capacity

IAHR_5_S4: RIBES – RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status

WLR_4a+b: Human uses & climate change

IAHR_Special/WLR_Special: Innovative Numerical Modelling for River Research

Lunch & Exhibition

Meet an advanced professional from industry

3c Sediment transport, deposition and remobilisation

1a River processes, monitoring and modelling

1b Preservation and restoration of rivers

4d Climate change and water management

7a Sustainable hydropower, navigation and irrigation

8c Modern instrumentation and experimental technologies

7c Hydraulic structures, machinery and capacity

IAHR_2_S2: Marine Outfall Systems

IAHR_5_S4: RIBES – RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status

VISE: CFD for Water Infrastructure applications

WLR_4d: Integrated management & shared benefits

Coffee Break


3a River sediment management and morphodynamics

1a River processes, monitoring and modelling

6d Water and mega cities

2c Coastal hydraulic engineering structures

7a Sustainable hydropower, navigation and irrigation

8c Modern instrumentation and experimental technologies

7b Reservoir management

IAHR_4_S2: Extreme Events in Coastal and Offshore Environments

IAHR_8_S2: Fluid-Structure Interaction: experimental and numerical

WLR_4c: Hydropower, navigation, flood control


IAHR Ippen Lecture

General Members Assembly

Awards and Congress Dinner

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This post was written by V W

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