3c Sediment transport, deposition and remobilisation

Thursday, 11:30 – 13:00

Anna Prati
Particles bed morphology under oscillating stiff and flexible plates

Jorge Reyes
Prediction of Maximum Scour Depth Downstream of Ski-Jump Spillways

Kazuki Yamanoi
Optimization and probabilistic estimation of physical parameters in debris-flow simulation

Dara Hawez
Numerical assessment of hydromorphological processes in a complex floodplain system

Nils Reidar B. Olsen
Numerical Modelling of a Laboratory Scale Turbidity Current

Hayato Kitamura
Studies on Recirculation Flow and Sediment Transport in Shrimp Farms

Jia Tang
Numerical investigation on deep-water channel projects on sediment transport pattern


Thursday, 14:00 – 16:00

Panayiotis (Panos) Diplas
Instantaneous drag and lift forces applied upon a spherical particle

Mohammadreza Feizi
Investigation of clear-water bed scouring below pipelines in meandering rivers

Daisuke Harada
Methods to evaluate sediment-driftwood runoff processes during heavy rainfall

Atul Jaiswal
Modelling of Sand Infiltration into Static Gravelbed: Binary Mixture Packing

Rotchild Louis
Morphological changes of Rouyonne River between 2014 to 2022: Léogâne-Haïti

Luiz Maldonado
Monitoring of bedload in Parana River using the dune method

Kazumasa Matsumoto
Influence of vegetation height on turbulence structure and sediment deposition

Jiangtao Yang
Numerical and experimental study on dams breaching and morphological change

Samuel Kemmler
Geometrically Resolved Simulation of Upstream Migrating Antidune Formation and Propagation

Shaohua Marko Hsu
Monitoring bed-load transport in mountain creeks by hydrophone technique

Cécile Martinet
Integration of multi-source data in a spatially-distributed sediment flux model

Event Timeslots (2)


Hall F1


IAHR World Congress