Wednesday 23 Aug

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March 21, 2023 10:02 am |


8a Fluid mechanics

3c Sediment transport, deposition and remobilisation

1a River processes, monitoring and modelling

6a Urban floods and droughts

5a Ecohydraulics in rivers and coasts including hydropeaking

3e Sediment management in reservoirs and river basins

8d Hybrid modelling and scale influence

7c Hydraulic structures, machinery and capacity

IAHR_1_S1.4/WLR_Special: Nature-based Solutions for Coastal Systems

IAHR_5_S7: Habitatmodelling – a tool for river restoration

WLR Special/IAHR Special: GlobSed

High-Level Panel “Ecohydraulics”
with Keynote Maciej Zalewski

Coffee Break


VISE – Smart Technology Applications in Urban Water Systems for Climate Resilience

8a Fluid mechanics

6a Urban floods and droughts

4b Integrated flood risk management

3e Sediment management in reservoirs and river basins

8d Hybrid modelling and scale influence

7c Hydraulic structures, machinery and capacity

IAHR_1_S1.2/WLR_Special: Nature-based Solutions for Large Rivers

IAHR_4_S3: Water Engineering Design in a Changing Climate

IAHR_5_S2: Transport dynamics of plastics in aquatic environments

WLR_3b: River ecology and restoration

Technical Visits with Lunchbags at Meeting Point

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This post was written by V W

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