Friday 25 Aug

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March 21, 2023 10:03 am |


1c Sustainable river management

3a River sediment management and morphodynamics

1a River processes, monitoring and modelling

5b Ecological status and eco-engineering

4d Climate change and water management

7d Integrated river and groundwater management

6e Unconventional water resources

IAHR_1_S3/WLR_Special: South-Eastern European Rivers

IAHR_5_S8: Introducing the “WFE” Nexus to Central Asia focusing on sustainable development of small hydropower

IAHR_Special: Advances and relevance of river monitoring techniques

WLR_3b: River ecology and restoration

High-Level Panel “Africa”
with Keynote Elfatih Eltahir

Coffee Break


1c Sustainable river management

3a River sediment management and morphodynamics

1d Transboundary river basin management

1e Innovation in river engineering

5b Ecological status and eco-engineering

4d Climate change and water management

7b Reservoir management

7c Hydraulic structures, machinery and capacity

6b Sanitary Engineering

WLR _2a+b+c: Sediment transport and river morphology

Closing Ceremony

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This post was written by V W

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