All abstracts and papers will be peer reviewed following COPE.
All accepted and presented papers distributed at the Congress (both oral and poster) will be published in the Congress proceedings. The proceedings will be published with an ISSN number, and submitted for inclusion in SCOPUS, Ei Compendex and ISTP and uploaded to the IAHR eLibrary.
Proceedings will be sent by email approximately one month after the Congress.
This information is only for people who have been notified that their abstract has been accepted and want to submit a full paper for proceedings.
Should your abstract be accepted, you can submit an extended version. Those authors who wish to publish their paper in the conference proceedings can submit their full paper (4-10 pages) after their abstract submission notification until 30 April 2023 (extended deadline)!
- Abstract notification in the beginning of March 2023
- Full paper submission until 30 April 2023 (if wanted/needed for conference proceedings)
Dear presenter, we are very pleased to receive your academic input through your paper submission, enriching the scientific program of the 40th IAHR World Congress.
The deadline for final paper submissions is 30 April 2023 (extended deadline). Please note that if your paper is accepted, you will need to register before 31 May to attend the congress to present your work and be included in the congress proceedings.
Please follow the link in the email sent out by our PCO for your full paper submission.
Make sure you follow the final paper template before submission and do not forget to upload the copyright agreement that can be found below as well.
The extension of the paper should be between 4-10 pages.
Please note that if your paper is finally accepted, you will need to register before 15 May to attend the congress to present your work and be included in the congress proceedings. Authors will receive final notification of acceptance by end of May 2023 (changed due to extension of full paper submission deadline).
To register, please click here.
Proceedings will be published under @IAHR copyright. IAHR needs publishing rights from the corresponding author for the paper to be published to grant the necessary publishing rights.
The final paper template and copyright agreement can be downloaded here:
- Final paper template (download here)
- Copyright Agreement (download here)
Authors of accepted abstracts will be requested to submit their final paper electronically (4-10 pages) before 30 April 2023 (extended deadline). Please do not add page numbers in your paper as these will be changed. Only Word files will be allowed.
For your submissions to be included in the congress’s proceedings, the corresponding author must be registered before 31 May and have paid the registration fee in time.
The presenter and the corresponding author should be the same person.
All papers follow a review process that consists of:
Set up by the ISC of technical criteria for the Committee in charge of the revision.
Submitted papers are sent to one or two experts in the field.
Authors are asked to include the necessary amendments and follow the reviewers´ comments.
Revision until the final approval by the ISC.
The review process follows the COPE Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct.
For further questions, please feel free to contact the Local Organizing Committee: iahr2023@boku.ac.at