Watch the 40th IAHR World Congress live on the web
Selected sessions will be webcasted live on the 40th IAHR World Congress website. All broadcasting times are in CEST below.
Monday 21 August
9:30-11:00 Opening ceremony, IAHR Awards, Donald R.F. Harleman Lecture by Gustau Camps-Valls
11:40-13:00 Keynotes with James L. Best, Jane McKee Smith, Joachim d’Eugenio
Tuesday 22 August
8:30-9:30 River Management X Science
9:30-11:00 High-level panel “Rivers – Connecting Mountains and Coasts” with Birgit Vogel
14:00-16:00 UNESCO-IHP World’s Large Rivers Initiative
Wednesday 23 August
9:30-11:00 High-level panel “Ecohydraulics” with Maciej Zalewski
Thursday 24 August
9:30-11:00 High-level panel “Digital Twins” of River Basins
Friday 25 August
9:30-11:30 High-level panel “Africa” with Elfatih Eltahir
14:00-14:30 Closing ceremony, including Vienna Statement