IAHR_1_S1.1/WLR_Special: Nature-based solutions for upstream catchments and small streams
Convenors: Ellis Penning (Deltares) and Catherine Wilson (Cardiff University)
The impacts of recent extreme weather events have identified a need for a greater understanding of water management in catchments for the effective passage and slowing down of flood flows, as well as conserving water during prolonged dry weather periods. The scale of water storage required across a catchment to provide flood risk reduction and water resource enhancement can be estimated from existing scientific and engineering tools and methods. However, the water storage and flow attenuation potential of many Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are yet to be fully quantified at the catchment scale, and for a range of return periods in either flood or drought management. This is crucial to building resilience into existing catchments for present and future weather scenarios, as well as upscaling NbS practice in Flood Risk and Drought management.
Session Topics
This session will cover real-life case studies and proposed initiatives for the holistic NbS management of water for flooding and droughts from projects around the world. These talks will link scientific understanding with practical experience. The talks will cover various aspects around understanding how NbS is used in the management of flooding and droughts at stream and catchment scales. It focuses on: i) ‘on the ground’ and ‘hands-on’ practical experience of NbS techniques and challenges to implementation; ii) the key evidence needed to unlock funding; iii) aspects of NbS infrastructure maintenance; and iv) legal responsibilities. The talks will encompass why initiatives and practices became successful and/or why did initiatives never come to fruition, and how NbS schemes and approaches have evolved over time.
Paul Brotherton
Micro Catchments, Macro Effects Natural retention in the Rhine catchment
Mike Adams
Adapting Catchment Approaches to a Changing World – Severn Valley
Alok Sikka
Nature-based solutions for Water Security in Upstream Watersheds: Indian Experiences
Sarah Yarnell
Beaver dam analogues support drought resiliency in California headwater catchments
Anastasios Stamou
Flood risk reduction using Nature-Based Solutions in Climate Change conditions
Qiuhua Liang
Representing NbS for large-catchment-scale flood management: a high-performance, high-resolution approach
Yunus Oruç
Prevention of Flood Risk Using Detention Basins, Agva Case Study
Irantzu Lexartza Artza
Natural Infrastructure for Flood Resilience against extreme events in Peru
Alok Sikka
Upscaling UTFI in Ganges basin: Realizing gains within Water-Energy-Food Nexus