Education and Professional Development in Hydro-Environmental Engineering (IAHR_5_S3)
Convenors: Eva Fenrich (Esslingen University of Applied Sciences), David Ferras (IHE Delft Institute for Water Education), Michael Nones (Polish Academy of Sciences)
The IAHR-EPD Committee promotes education and professional development through a wide range of activities, collecting good examples and best practices from the academic and the business sectors.
During this Special Session, a variety of case studies in hydro-environment engineering and water management will be presented, such as innovative teaching methods, teaching and training 4.0, serious-games, innovative teaching laboratories and equipment.
The main strengths and the opportunities for exploiting the results of good projects will be shown, but also the weakest points that should be addressed in the future will be highlighted, aiming to provide the audience with guidelines on education and professional development.
Researches, practitioners and water managers working at the edge between education and practice are welcome to submit their abstract and contribute to the discussion.