Welcome to vienna!
On behalf of the Congress Organising Group (COG), we are delighted to invite you to join three outstanding conferences (40th IAHR World Congress, 30th Danube Conference, and 5th World’s Large Rivers) in 2023 in Vienna, Austria.
Austria has always been a country rich in water and history. Many worldwide renowned scientists working in the field of water lived and worked in this country and contributed significantly to the strong position of water-related engineering studies at Austrian universities.
BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, is one of the leading life science universities in Europe with a strong focus on environmental engineering and water management. The conferences will be held in the Austria Center, a world-renowned conference and event center which hosts numerous international events every year. The Water Conferences in Vienna will bring together not only the countries in close reach, such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and other countries in the Western Balkans but also its neighboring countries to the West and on the international level.

How to get there
Check here all airlines connections with Vienna:
Vienna Airport
Information, timetables and destinations:
Austrian train website (ÖBB)
Vienna is very well connected thanks to its network of motorways and daily bus services to destinations all over the country.
Bus connections
Get to know vienna!
Being situated at the Danube River, Vienna is one of the major connecting points in Europe bringing together East and West, South and North. From a worldwide perspective, Vienna always demonstrated to be an excellent meeting place which is not only proven by the large number of international organisations based in Vienna but also by numerous international conferences with thousands of participants. The basis for this international success story is the perfect reachability via plane, train or car, the safety and hospitality of the city as well as the rich cultural heritage which comes alive at every corner of the town.
With the Danube River as the second largest river in Europe, we will have a fascinating water body of international relevance in direct proximity to the congress venue which offers the possibility of great scientific and practical presentations connected to large rivers as well as technical tours demonstrating integrated management of such a big stream in a metropolitan region.

Our sightseeing tips

Vienna and its surroundings