Maciej Zalewski
within the High-Level Panel "Ecohydraulics" on Wednesday, 23 August
Prof. Zalewski has gathered considerable practical experience while fulfilling certain important international and national duties, including:
EC JPI (Joint Programming Initiative) “Water Challenges for a Changing World”
Member of the drafting task force
UNESCO-IHP (International Hydrological Programme)
– Member of the Task Force to formulate the Eighth Phase of International Hydrological Programme (IHP-VIII – 2013-2019)
– Chairman of the Steering Committee of Programme “Ecohydrology”, Project 2.3/2.4, 1996-2006
ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures)
Representative of Poland of the Thematic Working Group in Environment (ESFRI ENV TWG)
NCBiR 2006-2010
Member of the Council of the National Centre for Research and Development of Poland
FAO EIFAC (European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission)
Chairman of the Working Group “Physical Habitat Modification and Freshwater Fisheries”, FAO EIFAC, 2002-2006
UNESCO MAB (Man and Biosphere)
– Member of Scientific Advisory Committee “Role of Land/Inland Water Ecotones in Landscape Management and Restoration”, 1999-2006
– Chairman of the Working Group “Fish and Land/Inland Water Ecotones”
UNESCO ROSTE (Regional Office for Science and Technology in Europe)
Member of Scientific Council of Regional Bureau for Science for Europe, 2001-2003
UNESCO for DANIDA (Danish Agency for Development Assistance)
Evaluation of the (510/BDI/40) Project “Le Role des Ecotones Terre/eau dans la Diversite Biologique les Resources du Lac Tanganyika”, Burundi, 1993-1995
Head of Polish Delegation to OECD “Export Credits and Environment” treaty negotiations
ICHARM Public Works Research Institute, Tsukuba-shi, Japan (International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management)
Advisory Board Member, 2006-2010
International Rivers and Heritage Institute Tours, France
Member of Scientific Steering Committee, 2000-2011
ILEC (International Lake Environment Committee)
“World Lake Vision”, Document Drafting Committee Member 2003
ILTER (International Long Term Ecological Research)
Poland’s Representative to International Long Term Ecological Research, 1993-2006
IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)
Task Group Member of the International Institute for Applied System Analysis, Vienna “Global Water in the 21st Century”, 1993-1995
IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas)
Coordinator of Scientific Expedition to Venezuela “Ecology of Tropical Rivers”, 1988